Thursday 8 November 2012

Good News!

Hello! Good news everyone!
Okay, so the good news is that if you have noticed i used to do videos, but now i don't because my webcam had a virus with youtube and it broke... Buuut, i got the camera fixed and my dad showed me a video editor! So now my videos will be muuuch better!

Next Time..
October Favourites, Learn from my stupidity + OOTD!

See Ya next time!

Wednesday 31 October 2012


                   Happy Halloween Guys!

I Hope You Have a very good time! But for them who are still looking for a costume at the last minute, then i have some last minute costumes for them girls out there who need some help!:) 


So to be a cat first put on a black long sleeve top, black leggings and black shoes! Then get some cat ears from a costume shop nearby if not get a black headband and cut two triangles from cardboard colour or paint the black and glue onto the headband. For face makeup just apply some black eyeshadow softly on your eyelids and draw little lines on your cheeks for whiskers. 

Hope You All Enjoy Halloween!
Good Night!
Megan x

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Being Prepared for school!

Hello Guys so in my last post i said that my next post would be on Being Prepared for School, just to let you know all this information is typed by me and it would help if you asked to copy and paste all of this if you wanted to. Feel free to print this if you want!
Start by setting your alarm clock a little earlier. Begin doing this about 3 weeks before school starts. This way, you will be well adjusted to waking up early and you will be alert and ready for class.

    Make sure you have clothes that meet with the dress-code guidelines of your school. It is much easier to be relaxed at school if you aren't hiding your way-too-baggy pants or way-too-short skirt from the administration. The in-things or autumn fashions might be different as well so just wear some comfy clean clothing until the "must-haves" come in, then you can adapt if you want to. Don't wear anything flashy or summery for about a week beforehand, as you definitely wont be wearing that in school! Also remember that if you have been dressing like a slob in the summer then about a week beforehand, make an effort with your appearance- it will prepare you for the clothing attention.

  If you don't do it already, start eating breakfast every morning. This is a very important thing to do. Eating fuels up your brain with energy to get going. Scientists proved that kids who eat breakfast every morning get better grades than kids who don't. Try to avoid the sugary cereal breakfast though, the sugar rush will peter out by mid morning, leaving you craving more sugar. A healthy breakfast will maintain your energy through lunch time and it will make you feel ready for class.

    If you receive your textbooks before the start of classes, take a look through them. You will feel much more comfortable entering a class when you already have an idea of the material you will cover. Take extra care of your textbooks. Most schools have fee of around $50 if you damage or lose a book.

  Buy as many of the school supplies you will need before the start of classes as possible. This way you will already have your materials organized when you go to class. It will be easy to get the one or two extra materials your teacher may request of you. An idea of things to get:
  #2 Pencils Paper
 Folders & Binders 
 Mini Stapler
A Printer if you A) Don't have one B) Know you will be typing a lot of papers C) Don't want to pay the library fee.
 Backpack Erasers

Go to How to Organize Your Backpack for more ideas of how to get your backpack ready for school. It's important to have this task down because it can help you stay very organized.

    Get a daily or weekly planner. They will help immensely when you start classes, and you will be able to balance classes, studying, sports, and social time much better. You will be less stressed when you can actually see that you have time set aside for the things you need to do. Put your Homework in so as not to forget it- most people find that doing it right after school is really good (it's great to know that it's done!) If your school provides you with a planner, that is the one you should use. There are many ways to mentally prepare yourself for school. People cannot tell you exactly how you yourself can get ready in the most effective way but they will have ideas. You should not worry about getting bullied. Chances are that the teachers will be watching what goes on in the halls.

  Tips: Don't procrastinate. This will only add stress and make everything seem ten times worse than it needs to be. Use your school's locker system (if they have one). If your locker isn't clean, try coming into school during the holidays to clean up. If bags, etc. don't fit, ask for a second locker, or just take it if you have to supply locks yourselves. This may sound stupid, and may seem like it has nothing to do with your studies, but try as hard as you can not to get into any arguments and drama with your classmates because that can really chew you up inside and you should stay focused. For when school does start it can really help to just be yourself. Some people try to be different to fit in but real friendships start by telling the truth about yourself, not just trying to fit in with the "in crowd". It won't do you any favours to pretend to be someone you aren't because you will probably get found out, or end up being with friends you don't really like. If you already have your backpack and supplies for school, try organizing the supplies into your backpack before school starts so you already have a system for that and wont have a messy backpack. Thank You for reading!
Halloween Experience!

I'm Back And Blogging!

Hello Guys! I haven't been on for absolutely donkeys years and just came back for a hobby! I will be posting on how to organize things or how to help others! They will be an ''Ask'' link for all you others who would like to ask for help or something! But yeah, so thank's for reading and i will see you guys soon! x
Next time on Out And About i will tell you about Being Prepared for School, as everyone is on half term so far!x

Friday 8 June 2012

Week in pictures!

1st: My dress for Spring Fashion Week at The Trafford Centre
2nd: A funny & weird badge that I got from one of my hauls.
3rd: A cool poster with Rastamouse on it!
4th: The Vans that I got!
5th: The toms that I got!
Thanks for reading!

New Blog

New Blog! My new blog is going to be about photography & i will post photos from the week onto here :) So i hope you enjoy. Meredith x